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In China, after universities introduced mobile learning platformsin their classrooms, instructors found a sharp increase instudent engagement and interaction. Instructors broadcast lecturesand classroom videos to students’mobile devices. Classmembers could either attend the live lecture in a traditionalclassroom or watch via their smartphones. Teachers could usesoftware to determine how students were engaged, what text messageswere exchanged, and what pupils were learning throughpopup quizzes regarding lecture materials.
In surveys and analysesconducted after the conclusion of the class, educators foundthat participants in the mobile learning program were more likelythan nonparticipants to have posted messages regarding thecourse. Students reported high satisfaction with mobile learningand felt that smartphone broadcasting enhanced theireducationalexperience.Overall, more than 1,900 messages were posted onthe course forum, which instructors found to be “phenomenal”and a stark contrast to the usual reticence of Chinese students iclassroom discussions.
Although learning through mobile technology in countriesother than the United States is in an early stage of its development,considerable research, outlined in chapter 5, “Mobile Learning,”points to similar outcomes in learning and achievement. Alteringthe social context in which learning takes place can be a powerfulaccelerator of the education process.24 Health care delivery today is dominated by physicians, hospitals,the pharmaceutical industry, insurance companies, andgovernment agencies. Patients seeking information or care mustnavigate networks of providers,order prescription drugs frompharmacies, and file claims for reimbursement from either publior private insurance plans.
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