Saturday, July 14, 2018



Indian Navy

It is a good opportunity for all the interested candidates who are looking for government jobs in Indian Navy. For more information related to Educational Qualification, Age Criteria, Selection Mode, Important Date and other Eligibility process please read the below article carefully. Also must read the official advertisement in detail before applying…

Indian Navy University Entry Scheme Course: Applications are invited from unmarried candidates for entry as Permanent Commission (PC) officers in Executive (GS) Branch and Short Service Commission (SSC) officers in Executive and Technical Branches of the Indian Navy under University Entry Scheme (UES), for course commencing June 2019.

Name of the Entry: University Entry Scheme (UES)
Batch: June 2019
Name of the Post: Sub Lieutenant

Qualification: B.E. or B.Tech. with a minimum of 60 % aggregate marks.

Age Limit: Born not earlier than 02.07.1995 and not later than 01.01.1998 (both dates inclusive).

Fees: There is no application fee for this recruitment.

Selection Process: Selection will be based on the performance in Service Selection Board (SSB).

How to Apply: Eligible and Interested candidates can apply online from 30.06.2018 to 30.07.2018 using link given below. The applicant need not to send any documents such as print out of online application.

Important Dates:
Start Date to Apply: 30.06.2018
Last Date to Apply: 30.07.2018

For More Detail – ClickHere
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