Monday, April 30, 2018

Gujarat Diploma Admission 2018

The Government of Gujarat, in the Legislative Assembly has passed an act, Act No.2 of 2008 called “Gujrat Professional Technical Educational Colleges or institutions (Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fees) Act, 2007″ to make special provision for regulation of admission in the professional technical education colleges or institutions in the State and fixation of fees in such colleges or institutions and for matter connected therewith. As per the powers conferred to State Government, in Section 20

(1) of the said Act, the Government of Gujarat, Education Department by way of a notification had constituted “Admission Committee for Professional Diploma Courses (ACPDC)” to regulate the admission of candidates to thGujarat Diploma Admission 2018 @

The mission assigned to these Committees is to carry out the counseling process in a fair and transparent manner.

The admission process is conducted by these Committees strictly on the basis of merit and the preference of the candidate.

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